I stayed true to my word and took a break from crafting and blogging this week. And it wasn't too bad. Sure, I felt really unproductive and I did watch way too much television, but I also accomplished a lot of other things as well. Like:
Got rid of that funky tingly sensation in my left arm (knock on wood).
Finished reading Boy: Tales of Childhood.
This is the second time that I've read this book and I liked it just as much as the first time around. I had forgotten that Roald Dahl was born and raised in the UK, but of Norwegian origin. And I, of course, enjoyed re-reading his recounting of his crazy British boarding school teachers--especially Mr. Corkers who supposedly taught mathematics but instead employed the boys to air out the class room by opening all the windows and violently swinging the door open and closed every time he thought he smelled a fart. If you haven't read this book that I suggest that you do: it is engaging, endearing, a quick read, and gives incredible insight into Dahl's work. Plus, it will make you appreciate the American K-12 public education system.
Started my spring cleaning. We picked up a new bookshelf for the kitchen because the metal one we had been using was in terrible shape. Actually, it was in terrible shape when we first moved in nearly 2 years ago; I just finally got sick of it. While I was replacing the shelving units I decided to give the kitchen a proper cleaning. I couldn't very well move things around and install a brand new bookshelf without cleaning the floors. So I mopped and scrubbed the cupboards. Then I put in the bookshelf and filled with my Pyrex, crockery, and produce bowls...which got me thinking about reorganizing the contents of the cupboards. I wasn't able to finish everything in one go, but I've been documenting my progress (future post!).
Supported some Etsy sellers:

Tags (necessity) and buttons (impulse buy) from dmksupply. The tags are needed for my spring cleaning project and the buttons: well, I just really like buttons.

An assortment of Divine Twine from ScrapPantry. Also for my spring cleaning project.
You'll see what the tags and twine are for soon enough.
I also went to a clothing/craft supplies/oddities swap on Saturday with my friend Christina. We each brought a sizable bag of items to a local bicycle shop and joined in on a communal rummage. I picked a couple of sweet finds: a light grey cardigan, a red Pashmina-type scarf, a dress, and a neat 70s-style doily (for a friend). I also got rid of a ton of stuff (horray!). Sorry, no pictures of the finds...yet.
And lastly I caught of with a dear friend this afternoon. We met up and had chocolate cake for lunch and talked all afternoon. It was delicious.
Got rid of that funky tingly sensation in my left arm (knock on wood).
Finished reading Boy: Tales of Childhood.

This is the second time that I've read this book and I liked it just as much as the first time around. I had forgotten that Roald Dahl was born and raised in the UK, but of Norwegian origin. And I, of course, enjoyed re-reading his recounting of his crazy British boarding school teachers--especially Mr. Corkers who supposedly taught mathematics but instead employed the boys to air out the class room by opening all the windows and violently swinging the door open and closed every time he thought he smelled a fart. If you haven't read this book that I suggest that you do: it is engaging, endearing, a quick read, and gives incredible insight into Dahl's work. Plus, it will make you appreciate the American K-12 public education system.
Started my spring cleaning. We picked up a new bookshelf for the kitchen because the metal one we had been using was in terrible shape. Actually, it was in terrible shape when we first moved in nearly 2 years ago; I just finally got sick of it. While I was replacing the shelving units I decided to give the kitchen a proper cleaning. I couldn't very well move things around and install a brand new bookshelf without cleaning the floors. So I mopped and scrubbed the cupboards. Then I put in the bookshelf and filled with my Pyrex, crockery, and produce bowls...which got me thinking about reorganizing the contents of the cupboards. I wasn't able to finish everything in one go, but I've been documenting my progress (future post!).
Supported some Etsy sellers:

Tags (necessity) and buttons (impulse buy) from dmksupply. The tags are needed for my spring cleaning project and the buttons: well, I just really like buttons.

An assortment of Divine Twine from ScrapPantry. Also for my spring cleaning project.
You'll see what the tags and twine are for soon enough.
I also went to a clothing/craft supplies/oddities swap on Saturday with my friend Christina. We each brought a sizable bag of items to a local bicycle shop and joined in on a communal rummage. I picked a couple of sweet finds: a light grey cardigan, a red Pashmina-type scarf, a dress, and a neat 70s-style doily (for a friend). I also got rid of a ton of stuff (horray!). Sorry, no pictures of the finds...yet.
And lastly I caught of with a dear friend this afternoon. We met up and had chocolate cake for lunch and talked all afternoon. It was delicious.
Image sources: Boy.
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