November 3, 2010

Gettin' Things Done

Three years ago I took a beginning painting class. I made this creepy little lady for my final. I've been meaning to hang her ever since we moved into our apartment last June. Until two weeks ago, she had been leaning against a wall in our bedroom. Then, with the intention of hanging her, I moved her to the living room. Unfortunately, I couldn't find the D-rings that I thought I had. By the time I finished my chores and ventured into the rain to pick some up from the hardware store, I was not in the mood for putting it all together.

Which is ridiculous, because I've done this kind of work before (I used to work as a preparator for a museum) and because it took me less than 10 minutes to do.


+ 10 minutes and some planning =

1 creepy beauty and 1 happy girl.


Getting her up on the wall has definitely been a process and serves as a testament to my propensity to procrastinate. But she's up and looks great and I'm happy.

1 comment:

  1. I remember that painting in progress, I'm so glad it's up on the wall! My final is folded up somewhere in my mom's house... haha
