May 22, 2011

This Week in Crafts

Week of May 16, 2011

I joined

A neat new social networking site that allows users to create digital inspiration boards. You create an account and "pin" images that you like to one of your boards. You can create lots of boards and pin just about anything. You can even repin other Pinterest users' pins, announce your activity on Facebook or Twitter, and follow other users. Pretty neat. I spent a couple of nights going through all my bookmarks and pinning projects, sweet design, recipes, art, flowers, oddities, and vintage goodies. Check me out.


Went to Maker Faire (Bay Area) 2011

I'm not quite finished with the photos yet, so here's a taste.

Learned how to needle felt.

I saw lots of interesting people, wandered through a bunch of tents, and watched some neat demos at Maker Faire on Saturday. Needle Felting with Moxie was one of my favorites, especially because I was able to snag the last slot for the hands-on demo. Moxie gave us a crash course in needle felting safety (basically don't poke yourself) and let us experiment. Plus, she sent us home with a starter kit: a foam block, a needle, and a handful of wool roving. Hopefully, someday soon, this pink blob will become a mushroom.

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